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Voorbereiding op het KNM-examen
€ 41,95
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Wegwijzer - Slide 13


Voorbereiding op het KNM-examen

Jenny van der Toorn
Uitgave: boekUitgave: laptop Niveau: a2
Isbn: 9789085067221
€ 41,95
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You get to know Dutch society best by participating in it, but new Dutch citizens usually do not have the time to do so before taking the civic integration exam. Wegwijzer is the solution to this problem. Author Jenny van der Toorn reduces the knowledge of Dutch society to its essence: in short, clear sentences, she explains exactly what you have to know to successfully integrate into Dutch society.


Wegwijzer quickly introduces students to the most common arrangements, rules and peculiarities of Dutch society. The book deals with all subjects of the exam, such as living, working, health, politics, history, and education.


he book is made up of twenty lessons that increase in level of difficulty. Each lesson consists of a text about the Netherlands, with clarifying pictures and several multiple choice questions on CD. The course concludes with a mock exam that includes 60 multiple choice questions.


With the purchase of Wegwijzer, you will receive a printed edition of the book and one audio CD. The CD contains the multiple choice questions from the book.


The texts in Wegwijzer are geared to NT2 level A2. This is the required level for the civic integration exam in the Netherlands.


For those who want to prepare for the language sections –speaking, writing, listening, and reading – of the civic integration exam in the Netherlands, we recommend Op weg (0 > A1) and Onderweg (A1 > A2).

Target audience

Wegwijzer is intended for students who

  • have not completed any education higher than secondary education
  • are preparing for the civic integration exam in the Netherlands


The method may be used for self-study, but is best suited for use in a group setting.


Jenny van der Toorn-Schutte

In 1979, Jenny van der Toorn-Schutte was put on the spot as a Dutch teacher: she had to teach Dutch to a group of Vietnamese boat refugees. Fortunately, an interpreter was available for the first few weeks who could explain to her the difference between Vietnamese and Dutch: a tone language versus an inflected language. This experience led her to write Basisgrammatica. At the same time, she took part-time courses at VU University Amsterdam towards a degree in Intercultural Educational Sciences. Later on, she completed a doctorate in Applied Linguistics at Radboud University Nijmegen. 


Over the years, she has taught Dutch to many other nationalities, preferably using her own teaching material: Klare taal!BeeldtaalAndere taalNederland voor nieuwkomersOp wegOnderweg and Wegwijzer.

Product details
Isbn: 9789085067221
Publisher: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam
Weight: 364 grams

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