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Where can I find my track and trace code?

After we have shipped your order, you will receive your track and trace code by e-mail, but you can also find it in your account. Below we explain how you can find your track and trace code in your account.

Step 1

Do you see a pink button My account in the top right corner of your screen? That means you are already signed in. Do you see the button Sign in? That means you have to log in first. 

Step 2

Once you are signed in, click the pink button reading My account in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 3

Scroll down to the header Orders. Here you can see a summary of your order history. Under Status you can find your track and trace number. When you click the pink link Track order you can track your order with Post NL.

In 3 steps
Step 1Step 2Step 3